Sunday, August 29, 2010


I AM SO BORED! Now that my friends have gone back to school and have things (like homework) to do I have a pretty good chunk of free time. The thing is... I have absolutely no idea what to do with it. Sure I could do dishes or clean house. But where is the fun in that, huh? I just finished rereading The Hunger Games and Catching Fire (which if you haven't read you MUST) and now I'm waiting for my copy of Mockingjay to come in the mail. So I have nothing to read either. Bah! I've basically spent this entire weekend alone :( I used to be so good at being alone but now I just get bored or lonely. Or both. RANT RANT RANT!
That is all.

Friday, August 13, 2010

I'm stumped

I'm having a serious lack of thoughts on what to write in this blog. Which is kind of weird for me. Usually if I just start writing something will come. I suppose maybe the problem here is that I just don't know how to start. Although part of the problem may possibly be that I usually wait until entirely too late at night to post. haha. But I really can't come up with a topic. So what do I do in this case? I asked Google... but sadly Google didn't have an answer for me today :( So I think I will do today Hayley style. (hey if it's good enough for her it's good enough for me!)

today I saw: A new face at work!
today I heard: A whole bunch of technical jargon that I did not understand... I tried not to laugh!
today I smelled: The wet grass in my yard
today I touched: A handful of new file folders.
today I tasted: The delicious pasta I made for dinner :) It had chicken, tomatos, onions, olive oil and spices... so yummy!

Star Gazing

Today was glorious. Not that anything super exciting happened, but sometimes it's all in the small stuff. I got up around eleven (which I've decided is a normal sleep in time unlike the two o'clock wake-ups I was used to) and got coffee with Kayla. We shopped for our friend Danika's birthday present. Then we came back to my house, watched The Emperor's New Groove, and ate dinner. Then we did P90X. Today was plyometric's which is the hardest of all the workouts, but we lived. Then Danika, Kayla, and I took a thirty minute drive to watch the stars. It was glorious! onward to tomorrow....

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I fail!

I haven't written in a few days and it's only eleven days into August. I'm majorly failing at BEDA. :( But one thing I'm learning is to take one day at a time. So rather than throw a fit and not blog again (therefore succeeding at failing- yes my mind works weirdly) I'm writing today. And for me that's good enough.

Today has made me extremely happy. I've been praying (and having my life group pray) about my job situation and today I found out some good news! I can't quite share it yet because not everyone involved knows but I'm really excited! It's pretty much just what I've been looking for. So, praise God :) I'll fill you in on the details later!

Friday, August 06, 2010

Chill Friday!

Today was one of those days that just was. It wasn't horrible it wasn't great. I did work, but it was just routine and nice, automatic. I didn't have to stress too much. So very nice. It's how I wish that most of my days were. Right now, as I type this I am sitting next to Kayla on my front porch. She's writing a note high-school style (with markers!) and I am blogging. We're camped out on pillows and blankets, because my house is a toasty 85 degrees (or something) and it's so much nicer outside. I think it might rain but I kind of don't want it to because I love how the weather is right here, right now. We just got done doing an intense workout and walked to the happiest gas station on earth. Seriously. Every time I've been there who ever is working is happy to be there, cares what you have to say, and bids you a great day/morning/night as you leave. ummm... awesome! Not much to report really, in this run on paragraph of non-sense I have going on here but today was a good day. :)


I need to start making time for actual posts. grr...

Today I went to Red Robin for lunch. Although it was kind of my breakfast too since I got up at noon! haha. I always sleep in if I have a choice. I got to meet one of Kayla's coworkers who was super nice and one of her friends too. We went shopping at Target, which is one of my favorite stores. I swear I can spend no less than $60 every time I go there. Lucky for me I can't make it there too often!

After that Kayla and I came back to my house. A few days ago the swamp cooler in my house broke. Since it was so hot today it was like ninety degrees in my house! Way too hot. So were roped Calli into swimming which was really nice. Then we headed to Kayla's house to workout out (we're doing P90X). Her mom invited me to stay and watch It's Complicated. It was a really nice and chill night. Now I'm going to head to bed because I have to work tomorrow and I'm running the show!

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Blue Cow is awesome!

Not much went on today. I went to work, came home and worked out and then headed down to Blue Cow. It is mine and Kayla's new favorite ice cream place. If you haven't tried it yet you totally should. :)

Man, my blogs have been really short and lame lately. That's ridiculously frustrating. What can I do to make it up... hmmm.

If you're looking for cute click here.

If you're looking for intensity click here.

If you're looking fun dancing click here or here

If you're looking to think click here or here.

That should take some time! Oh and you're welcome!


I am still counting this post as going up for Tuesday even though it's technically Wednesday because I haven't gone to bed yet! ha.

Tuesdays are quickly becoming my favorite day of the week. Why? Because of Life Group at the Pursuit. I love it so much! From the first time I went I've felt right at home and could feel God's presence. I'm excited to see what God has in store for my life. I'm not sure exactly what that is going to look like but I have a feeling it's going to be big. :)

Even though the last few years of my life have been emotionally draining, I've learned a lot and I'm starting to realize it more and more. I'm not used to telling my life story to people at a moments notice (or at all really). But I've been doing it lately at Life Group. I'm learning how to allow myself to open up and let myself be loved. Things I've never been good at. I'm learning to trust God over again. Life is good. :)

Monday, August 02, 2010

Cutting it close!

I have five minutes to post this baby...

I'm going to make it simple and short. Some nights, like tonight, are made awesome simply by the people that are in them. Tonight I sat and ate pizza with the girls. We played Uno and talked. It sounds boring and lame. But it was really really nice. I love being in the company of people I love. They make everything better!

Now off to bed!

Sunday, August 01, 2010

BEDA and life!

So... once upon a time I was planning on doing VEDA and then my computer broke down, so I decided to push that back until August. August is here and it comes with so many changes in my life that VEDA is no longer a priority. However, I have decided (right now) that I am going to do BEDA also known as blog every day in August. So here we are!
A lot has changed since my last blog entry. Which is pretty much what I write every time I actually blog. But for reals thing time. My last blog entry I was feeling pretty sorry for myself but not wanting to do much about it. But I did! With the help of one of my closest friends, Kayla.
Kayla, my friend Allee, and I took a road trip up to Portland to see the Roflcoptour. Which, by the way, was sooo much fun. I wish I had actually wrote a whole blog post about it, but I did not and now is not the time to go into detail. Anyways, on that trip Kayla and I got into a discussion about our spiritual lives. Both of us have grown up in Christian families and we're both believers. However, during our college years we've both started putting God on the back burner and trying to lead our own lives. Or at least I know I have. I won't speak for Kayla. We both decided we needed to get plugged in somewhere.
We'd been going to The Pursuit on and off for quite some time and decided to see if they had a college group. Just to show how serious we were about this, we actually decided we would start a college group if they didn't have one. But they do! We were so excited. The very first week we went I felt God moving in the group. I already feel pretty much at home. I'm so excited to see what God has in store for me. Also, we have made it a priority to go to church regularly. I have so much work to do with God but for the first time in a long time I'm actually trying :) I can't wait to see what he has in store for me.
On top of that we've started the px90 workout routine. It is seriously intense. You workout for at least and hour six times a week! everyday is something different. So far I think plyometrics is the hardest... and we only have kenpo left before we've done all of them. But we are sticking with it for 90 days to get healthier bodies. I can't wait!
Other than that I have just been praying about my job. I have worked at the same place since I was a senior in high school. It will be five years this month! I've never worked anywhere else, so it has definitely been my comfort zone. But lately I have been feeling burnt out. I don't know if it's just the room I work in or the batch of kids I have right now (they are particularly challenging) or if I need to just do something else. Perhaps I need to go back to school?I just don't know. But I am unsettled. I want to be where God wants me to be and not in my comfort zone.
I am going to head to bed now as I have to work tomorrow but I will be posting here again then! :) Oh how I love to make last minute commitments.