Sunday, March 14, 2010


I thought I would mention in my blog what the month of April will entail for me. I've decided to do Vlog Everyday in April (VEDA) to kind of kick start my youtube channel. One of my goals for this year is to vlog regularly on my channel but I just can't seem to get it going. I need to just make a habit of it. The best way to motivate myself is to force myself to do something. So, for the month of April, I will be posting a video on my page everyday! It's going to be crazy and mostly the videos will probably be horrible. But, I'm hoping it will create a habit and hopefully something creative will come out. I guess we'll see. haha.

Yesterday I went and saw Remember Me. Now, this movie looked watchable to me but I wasn't planning on spending any money to see it in theater. I figured that it probably was okay but not that fabulous. I mean, they were pretty much using Rob to sell the movie. Or so I thought. But then everyone I watch on youtube, even those who aren't Twilighters, kept saying how good it was. So, I decided to go see it. I'm really glad I did. I would recommend it to anyone. So good. I'd heard there was a twist in the end and so I was prepared for it not to end the way that would obviously be happy... but I was not prepared at all for what the end was. The whole movie was fairly good but the ending just makes it. I won't spoil it for you but just trust me. You'll find yourself staring at the screen not sure how you feel. It was just good. So yeah, if you were on the fence about seeing it, you definitely should!

Also, just because I'm ridiculously proud, I thought I'd point out that I bought a rubix cube and actually solved it! yay! I know, I know... I'm a complete nerd. But I wouldn't have it any other way :)

P.S. apparently I haven't mentioned on here that I'm watching LOST... WHAT? but yeah, I'm watching LOST. I'm finally all caught up and can't wait to find out all the secrets of the Island. Right now my favorite character is Sawyer :) Plus, I'm pretty much in love with JJ (the director/producer) and can't wait to see what his next project is. He's a freakin' genus!

Books Read: 19

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