Monday, October 12, 2009

I'm writing this blog post mostly to feel as though I have accomplished something today. I had all these plans and then didn't get to any of them. fail. Me and my mom have decided to throw a Halloween party which should be fun. Before this I wasn't sure whether or not I was going to dress up at all or what I was going to do. I have decided to be a zombie bride. I am going to make the dress. I found a really easy (or so it should be) tutorial on youtube. After work today I went and bought all the stuff I needed to make my costume and grocery shopped. But I had plans to set up the sewing machine and get started on at least cutting material. Plus, in order to make the dress, I have to have one of those mannequin- like things (i forget the name) that you hang clothes on that you're sewing so you can pin it. They're expensive, so instead I'm making one of my own. To do this I had to put on an old baggy shirt and then have my sister wrap my in duct tape like three times. It was quite the adventure. First, you look and feel completely ridiculous. Second, it gets really hard to move and breath. Third, it's slightly awkward to have someone wrap your entire torso in duct tape. But, that part is done and today I was going to stuff it (so it won't collapse) and then make a stand for it. But I got home and just crashed. I put away groceries (that's a plus) and then sat on the couch while eating my "dinner" of cheese and crackers while checking up on the interweb. Then, when there was nothing left to look at and I was bored, what do you think I did? Did I get started on all that other stuff? Of course not. I sought out new youtube subscriptions, and sat around some more. Right about now I should be in bed, but I had to accomplish something. I just had to, or I would feel completely lame. So I am posting this blog entry telling you about how I did nothing, therefore doing something! yay!

THINGS I WANTED TO DO (but didn't)
-set up sewing maching
-finish mannequin -like thingy (that's the technical term)
-cut material
-make and eat an actual dinner

-put away groceries
-shop for stuff
-check the interweb
-eat (kind of)

yeah. Go me! It's just the more I thought about all the stuff I wanted to do when I got off work while I was sitting, the less I wanted to do it. Even though I was bored and had nothing to do. Oh, cycle of procrastination you make no sense. How will I ever make it through NaNoWriMo. *sigh*

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