Monday, March 22, 2010

My weekend

My weekend....
   It started off fine. I babysat on Friday and Saturday night. I had lunch with friends Saturday affternoon. But then came the dreaded Sunday. 
      I woke up and tried to check all my Internet stuff. The screen was frozen and nothing responded. So naturally I turned my computer off and back on. Instead of booting up, however, a gray screen with a blinking question mark folder appeared. I tried again; same thing. After some research I learned that my hard drive had crashed. I wanted to cry. I absolutely can not live without my mac. I love it so much! 
     My mac has had it's problems. After I first got it, the battery didn't work. That was irritating but not a major deal.  I later found out that Apple was doing a recall on them because they were defective but I was in school and couldn't afford to lose my computer for any amount of time. Then my cd drive stopped working. There is a cd that has been stuck in there for at least a year. But I didn't see this as major issue either. I had a USB drive, and bought my music directly from iTunes. But now the HD has crashed and it's useless. Plus, I don't have anything backed up; of course. But... I did just find out that maclife here in Boise is actually certified to do Apple repairs. This is good news! Also, apparently I bought a MacBook at the wrong time because Apple is now recalling the HD's in them too! Geez! But that should mean I get it replaced for free. Hopefully they'll be able to recover all my data. I'm not sure if they'll still replace my battery for free. I wish I would have known sooner about maclife.... What can you do?  We'll see what happens. 
    Now the mac drama would have been enough to ruin my weekend but of course when it rains it pours. I've been taking baths now for months because my shower was broken and I didn't want my dad to have to fix it again. But it finally slipped out and he came over to try and put a shower head in my bathtub as a temporary fix until he could fix my shower. In he process he broke my tub, which has apparently been leaking water for awhile. *sigh* He finally got them fixed with the help of a family friend who is a plumber. So I can now take showers again! 
   However, for a good few hours I was waterless and Internet-less (I don't think that's a word). I don't do well with things in my life being broken. If I can't personally fix something broken then I just live without if or buy a new thing. I don't like asking for help. It makes me feel inadequate. Which is stupid and irrational, but true none the less. So, to deal with it; I feel the need to flee. Now, I usually can't go far because I have responsibilities. I WANT to just get in my car and drive until I can't anymore. In this case I just went to the gym, let my dad fix it, and ran. Sometimes I find my self parked in the middle of nowhere doing what I call "dance therapy".
   It's funny because if you asked most people, they would say that I'm very consistent and reliable. I suppose I am; but if they only knew how flightly mind is and I wish I could be. It's ridiculous. I just want to be on a beach somewhere. Haha. I guess I should give myself points for not actually running.       
   I wish I was a more take control type of person. Someone who just dealt with problems right away and then was done. To be perfectly honest, I've actually gotten a lot better. Which almost is worse. Haha. You've got to have something to work on though, right? 

Books read: 19 
I'm currently waiting for Geektastic to show up on my doorstep. 

Sunday, March 14, 2010


I thought I would mention in my blog what the month of April will entail for me. I've decided to do Vlog Everyday in April (VEDA) to kind of kick start my youtube channel. One of my goals for this year is to vlog regularly on my channel but I just can't seem to get it going. I need to just make a habit of it. The best way to motivate myself is to force myself to do something. So, for the month of April, I will be posting a video on my page everyday! It's going to be crazy and mostly the videos will probably be horrible. But, I'm hoping it will create a habit and hopefully something creative will come out. I guess we'll see. haha.

Yesterday I went and saw Remember Me. Now, this movie looked watchable to me but I wasn't planning on spending any money to see it in theater. I figured that it probably was okay but not that fabulous. I mean, they were pretty much using Rob to sell the movie. Or so I thought. But then everyone I watch on youtube, even those who aren't Twilighters, kept saying how good it was. So, I decided to go see it. I'm really glad I did. I would recommend it to anyone. So good. I'd heard there was a twist in the end and so I was prepared for it not to end the way that would obviously be happy... but I was not prepared at all for what the end was. The whole movie was fairly good but the ending just makes it. I won't spoil it for you but just trust me. You'll find yourself staring at the screen not sure how you feel. It was just good. So yeah, if you were on the fence about seeing it, you definitely should!

Also, just because I'm ridiculously proud, I thought I'd point out that I bought a rubix cube and actually solved it! yay! I know, I know... I'm a complete nerd. But I wouldn't have it any other way :)

P.S. apparently I haven't mentioned on here that I'm watching LOST... WHAT? but yeah, I'm watching LOST. I'm finally all caught up and can't wait to find out all the secrets of the Island. Right now my favorite character is Sawyer :) Plus, I'm pretty much in love with JJ (the director/producer) and can't wait to see what his next project is. He's a freakin' genus!

Books Read: 19

Thursday, March 11, 2010

productive day!

Thursday are my day off and they usually go something like this: me sleeping. all day. haha. But... this morning I had a meeting with a personal trainer at the gym I joined. Which, by the way, I absolutely love! When I joined I got three free personal training sessions and the first one was today. So I had to get up. Usually I hate meeting with people like this. I don't like to talk to people in any store. Whether it be a phone store, the grocery store, or in this case, the gym. I always feels as though they're not listening to what I'm saying and just trying to sell me things. However, when I signed up the lady who gave me the tour wasn't pushy at all. Just informative. So, I had hope. I arrived at the gym and the lady was really nice. She asked me what I wanted out of the gym, what my goals were, and how much I already knew about achieving them. She complimented me on my nutrition and took my body stats. It was nice to talk to someone about this. On Saturday I get to meet with her to go through a whole body work out. Since beginning to eat better I've already lost five pounds and lost some body fat! so that's good. The best thing about my trainer? She was so very honest. She could have said I needed a trainer or I wouldn't reach my goal. But she didn't. She told me why people got trainers and told me it was an option. She showed me the cost and even told me part of it was negotiable. She told me I probably wouldn't even need a trainer because my goals were achievable by myself and I had a good start. But, she also offered her services if I decided that my workout was too boring, I needed to change things up, or I wanted a plan written for me. This is definitely not what I expected. It was so nice. She was just being a person who loves her job, but was honest with me. She wasn't being a sales person. It's very refreshing! Thanks Shannon! So, if anyone needs a personal trainer, check her out. She works at Body Renew Fitness in Meridian. I love it there. I can't wait for Zumba tonight!!!!

I also went and worked out my phone issue. My phone has been just turning itself off whenever it feels like it. No good. But, I went into the store today and they are sending me a new one for free! I get it Monday, hopefully it will work.

Also, on the way home from getting coffee a lady flipped me off. I was turning a corner in a parking lot and was confused as to why she also wasn't turning. It didn't look like she was even going to stop! Obviously I was supposed to know that she was driving straight into a parking space instead of turning and stop and wait for her. I don't know what I was thinking! She honked at me and flipped me off. I had to laugh. I mean COME ON! REALLY? I hope her day gets better...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Alice In Wonderland

So the beginning of last week I started to get sick. Nothing major, just a head cold. But Thursday (my day off) I laid around all day. My sister came over to cut my hair. Which, if you're wondering, turned out cute. I started telling her about how I had wanted to go see Alice in Wonderland at the midnight showing but how I was sick and had no one to go with. She said that she had wanted to go too. So, I brilliantly said "Let's go." Now mind you, not only was I sick, but I had to work at 7:45 the next morning. Pretty much after I said it I was thinking how bad of an idea it was. But, I went anyways. We ate dinner, went bowling, then saw the movie (in 3-D!). I got home very tired... but woke up the next morning feeling fine. What? It just happened to be one of those times where a bad choice was actually a good one. It happens every once in a while. :)

If you're wondering what I thought about the movie....
It was pretty good. I had very high expectations that it did not necessarily meet. The visuals were good. The color was very vibrant and the 3D was awesome. But it was a little more Disney and a little less Burton then I would have liked. Not to mention that I think I missed the great opportunity of hearing Johnny Depp sing "A very merry Unbirthday". I mean, come on! ;P