Thursday, March 11, 2010

productive day!

Thursday are my day off and they usually go something like this: me sleeping. all day. haha. But... this morning I had a meeting with a personal trainer at the gym I joined. Which, by the way, I absolutely love! When I joined I got three free personal training sessions and the first one was today. So I had to get up. Usually I hate meeting with people like this. I don't like to talk to people in any store. Whether it be a phone store, the grocery store, or in this case, the gym. I always feels as though they're not listening to what I'm saying and just trying to sell me things. However, when I signed up the lady who gave me the tour wasn't pushy at all. Just informative. So, I had hope. I arrived at the gym and the lady was really nice. She asked me what I wanted out of the gym, what my goals were, and how much I already knew about achieving them. She complimented me on my nutrition and took my body stats. It was nice to talk to someone about this. On Saturday I get to meet with her to go through a whole body work out. Since beginning to eat better I've already lost five pounds and lost some body fat! so that's good. The best thing about my trainer? She was so very honest. She could have said I needed a trainer or I wouldn't reach my goal. But she didn't. She told me why people got trainers and told me it was an option. She showed me the cost and even told me part of it was negotiable. She told me I probably wouldn't even need a trainer because my goals were achievable by myself and I had a good start. But, she also offered her services if I decided that my workout was too boring, I needed to change things up, or I wanted a plan written for me. This is definitely not what I expected. It was so nice. She was just being a person who loves her job, but was honest with me. She wasn't being a sales person. It's very refreshing! Thanks Shannon! So, if anyone needs a personal trainer, check her out. She works at Body Renew Fitness in Meridian. I love it there. I can't wait for Zumba tonight!!!!

I also went and worked out my phone issue. My phone has been just turning itself off whenever it feels like it. No good. But, I went into the store today and they are sending me a new one for free! I get it Monday, hopefully it will work.

Also, on the way home from getting coffee a lady flipped me off. I was turning a corner in a parking lot and was confused as to why she also wasn't turning. It didn't look like she was even going to stop! Obviously I was supposed to know that she was driving straight into a parking space instead of turning and stop and wait for her. I don't know what I was thinking! She honked at me and flipped me off. I had to laugh. I mean COME ON! REALLY? I hope her day gets better...

1 comment:

Chantel said...

that's awesome about the personal trainer! i love genuine people like that! it looks like you had a good day, minus the flipping off lady. people like that shouldn't even bother getting out of bed in the morning.