Sunday, October 04, 2009


So...I signed up to do NaNoWriMo this year. I'm pretty sure it's going to be the worst best thing that ever happened to me. I'm going to be stressed (i can feel it coming on already) and i'm going to get frustrated. but i will feel so good if i accomplish this. It will be so nice to get some of the stories out of my head. I've always been an avid reader and i've always written stories in my head. i spend hours upon hours daydreaming stories into existence. when i was younger and i didn't want to do a certain chore, i would write out a scenario starring me as the main character and featuring the chore i had to do, with a whole back story and everything. So in theory this shouldn't be that hard. I just have to pick an idea and run with it. It's a project and it's constructive. so that should be good. i'm going to have to push myself. at the end hopefully i'll have a novel, albeit an unpublishable one that no one will probably ever read, but a novel non the less. I'm excited and scared. because if i don't make it, it will be horrible. or maybe i won't be able to buy into the whole quantity over quality thing because of my perfectionism. i don't know. or maybe i'll be too lazy to get the amount of words out i need to. but i think most of all i'm scared (like most things in life) that i will try really hard and still fail. which is stupid. because everyone knows that you can't win if you don't try. but sometimes it's easier that way. that is the path i usually choose. so, i am stepping out on a limb and trying something new and crazy. i'm going to write a lousy novel. in a month. the month of my birthday. and i'm going to reek havoc on my life. it's going to be awesome! but i mean, hey, it's a good sign that i wanted to WRITE a blog about this right? get me warmed up a bit... yeah.

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