Sunday, January 29, 2006


Right now i should be in bed sleeping. But i'm not. Instead i'm glued to the oh so fascinating computer screen! I'm just getting over being sick and right about now my body and mind are telling me to just crawl into my nice comfy bed and fall into a relaxing sleep. But apart of me wants to stay awake and read stuff. Like blogs and bulletins and stuff like that. Yep. I'm bored and yet i'm still here. It's wierd. So, no one reads this blog anyways. However i did just post a bulletin (how handy!) on myspace so maybe someone will begin to read. haha. I really do want to try and post on this often. I've never been good at keeping a journal or anything like that. But i find it oddly relaxing to type late at night. Plus, people can check in and read what i'm up too or thinking about. I really should get Kayd (my best friend who lives in NM) to post one too and we could keep up on eachothers lives. It would work expertly! haha. except she's like me lazy. If we actually did it it would be cool though. I think i shall e-mail her about the idea. Right now and then go to bed and make my body and mind happy!

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