Friday, February 10, 2006

Band, band, and more (can you guess it?) band! oh, and that pain named skirt and high heels, that too!

So, this week I've been busy and lazy. which is somewhat of a contradiction but let me explain. I only went to school 3 days this week. I did none of my homework. that of course is always the best idea. that was my lazyness. on tues. i stayed home cause i was sick and i needed to work on and eng. paper. which btw i didn't do and still have to! but, on thurs. i had the bsu band clinic all day long. Yeah let me tell ya that was just a bundle of fun. especially since we sucked. haha. then today i had an hour and a half of honor band and tomorrow i have honor band from 9-idk when but the concert starts at 7:30 and it ends after that. yeah. by the end of this week i will have enough band for like ever. oh and enough of high heels and skirts which btw are way over rated. get this of thurs. we left the school at 7:45 and i was wearing concert attire. then right after i had to go to work and chase kids around still in my skirt. then i went straight from work back to school for a pep band game still in my skirt. i forgot to bring clothes to change into. which, let me tell ya, will never happen again i swear. tomorrow i have to wear the same thing! curses. that's all i have to say. however, at least honor band will sound good not like our high school band that is awful. that's the up side i suppose. that's all i have to say.

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