Friday, February 24, 2006

so this week i went to school today (friday) and that's it. The rest of the week i was home sick. It started last friday (yeas it's been a whole week!) witha headache. after work i went home and immediately came down with the shakes and shivers. the next morning i woke up with an acheing body, stuffy nose, sore throat and was disoriented. how fun! that night i kept hearing my ear pop but thought nothing of it. I woke up on Mon. with my right ear plugged, however the headache had gone away. It was like this for three days with the throat getting worse each day. On the third day i proceeded to the doctor to find out that i had two ear infections one in each ear. I started taking antibiotics and now i'm all better except for my ear which is still plugged and starting to get just a little old. and that'sy story of sickness. I've been sick this winter more than i've been sick in the past five years probably. I blame it on working with kids. They send all kinds of germs my way. yuck! man, the last time i went to the doctor was when i had pnuemonia in the 8th grade. before that i don't even remember. This is of course not counting the removal of my wisdom teeth.

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