Tuesday, February 09, 2010

the one with the random topics...

Today is Monday... which means my day to upload a video on our collab channel. So, I came home and dropped everything, literally, and made the video. I had to spend quite a bit of time linking some other videos too. I put it all together and tried to upload but I had no more disk drive available. So then I had to delete a bunch of videos. I just cleaned everything up and deleted everything but the video I was working on. The video uploaded and then I deleted that too... thinking that I would just keep it cleaned up. But I forgot about Youtube maintenance! ugh! so... I'm hopin youtube ate my video and is going to spit it out soon. otherwise it is gone. I'm so not redoing it either.

Last Wed. night I babysat for these people for the first time ever. I've known them for a really long time and Jeanine has babysat for them before but I haven't. Anyways, They left me their spare key. Only it totally didn't work! So I was locked out of the house on a school night none the less. This has never ever happened to me before. So, I tried the cell number they left me a few times but they didn't pick up. Long story short I ended up just taking the kids back to daycare to play for about and hour and a half. I felt bad because one of the kids had school the next day, but I ended up getting paid about three times as much as I normally charge because they felt bad about locking me out! If only that happened every time I babysat... haha.

Apparently my parents are thinking pretty seriously about buying a business. It's the place my sister currently works. I hear the place does pretty well, the owner is simply getting deported back to Canada. At first I was a little skeptical. My dad owns his own business but it's a completely different deal. He's working with the same industry he's worked in his whole life. He can pretty much do whatever he wants. But this is something completely new and much bigger. More liability. So that worries me a little. But then I was really excited. It's kind of up my alley and I had all these ideas to help with the place and running of it. My mom suggested I could work there too if I wanted. On the side. Which would be nice. But my sister insisted that I be the manager. Which at first I was like ummm... whoa. But then I started thinking about it. With a little bit of training I think I could do it. I really do a lot at the place I work at now. And in all reality I already do/ have a lot of managing skills. I'm not saying I want to manage there, just saying it's an idea. Something to ponder. But when my sister mentioned this to my mom her response was "I don't know about that, you're quite the procrastinator." Granted this is true. I know my mom saw me procrastinate all those papers in high school. But when it comes to work... I'm IT. I do my job, random jobs that no one has ever thought of, things other people should do but don't, jobs I invent to do cause I'm bored, my boss' job (on occasion), the cooks job, and sometimes I do this all at the same time! So, it's things like my mom's reaction that make me think she has no idea who I am. My dad and I very much have the same work ethic and I know he GETS it. It's weird how that happens some times. I love my mom. But sometimes she just doesn't GET me, you know? Anyways, it got me thinking about working for the parents. It's probably not the hottest idea. Unless they contract out to me to run their social media stuff :) haha. That I am expert at!

I bought a tripod finally! yay!

book count: 13! I'm totally ahead :)

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