Thursday, May 21, 2009

cleaning the blinds...

so, today nothing too interesting happened. I am feeling much better today. but... today was the third day i did not have caffeine. So, i was starting to feel the effects of that. which is pretty bad. I broke down and had some coke today, which helped a little. tomorrow i will probably start on coffee again :) yeah for coffee! but yeah...nice not to be so sick anymore. work was pretty easy today, we've been freakishly low this week so far... not sure why. So, i pulled out half the blinds from the room today and cleaned them. I am slightly OCD when it comes to cleaning at work. yes i am. I was supposed to take the blinds down and clean them. but once i get started i just can't stop. so, i took the blinds out and cleaned them but then decided why not clean the windows, and the window sills, and the walls around them. So, i spent about two hours cleaning that area. and it looks so much better. I get excited when things are clean, it feels good. I know, i know, i'm a dork! but seriously. the only thing was, when i put them back up i could tell how horribly bad the other blinds look. They are seriously sick! i can't wait to go back on friday and clean them. It's funny how sometimes you don't realize how dirty things are until you compare them. I had been talking about cleaning the blinds for a few weeks now, cause i knew they needed to be done, but now i can see all the dust and grime on them and it's eating at me! gross! aren't you glad you're reading about cleaning blinds? haha. but i have a tie in. It's like the areas of our lives we know we need to change or deal with. The issue may not be pressing but it only collects dirt and adds to the problem the more we ignore it. kind of a stretch but it's true. When we finally tackle the problem it's usually not that hard to fix, but it does take effort. And when that problem is taken care of... it's easier to see the next one that needs fixing. Some problems we have to deal with daily, to self talk ourselves through daily. this is a hard concept for me. I want to do something and have it be accomplished. I don't want to work on it every day in and out. To make that choice every day. It's not fun. It's hard. but if we keep up on our "cleaning" then we don't have to take serious time to work hard at cleaning the grime away, it's less painful. and yes, i know i'm being all contemplative and sensitive lately. haha.

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