Friday, August 06, 2010

Chill Friday!

Today was one of those days that just was. It wasn't horrible it wasn't great. I did work, but it was just routine and nice, automatic. I didn't have to stress too much. So very nice. It's how I wish that most of my days were. Right now, as I type this I am sitting next to Kayla on my front porch. She's writing a note high-school style (with markers!) and I am blogging. We're camped out on pillows and blankets, because my house is a toasty 85 degrees (or something) and it's so much nicer outside. I think it might rain but I kind of don't want it to because I love how the weather is right here, right now. We just got done doing an intense workout and walked to the happiest gas station on earth. Seriously. Every time I've been there who ever is working is happy to be there, cares what you have to say, and bids you a great day/morning/night as you leave. ummm... awesome! Not much to report really, in this run on paragraph of non-sense I have going on here but today was a good day. :)

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