Tuesday, November 03, 2009

oh the crazyness!

So... it's three days into NaNoWriMo and I'm doing great. I never thought it would be this easy to just write. I've tried (not very hard) before to write but I could never do it. You know why? because I'm a perfectionist. I wanted my writing to sound like the perfect novel right out of my brain. I know that's not how it works, but that's how I wanted it to work. NaNoWriMo has given me permission to suck. It's about getting ideas and words on to paper, not writing a publishable novel. This is much easier than I ever would have guessed. So far the story is flowing pretty well. There have been no major hang-ups. But then again it is only the third day. There's plenty of time for that.

Writing this novel is taking over my life though. First off, I have a very addictive personality. I like to dive into things fully and get them done fast and efficiently. I like to bask in every facet of the chosen obsession. So, writing this novel is driving me a little crazy. I'm trying to keep up with other people's word counts. Any time I am not doing anything all I can think about is how i should be working on my novel. Take right now for instance. I'm writing this blog post to help calm me down a little. Well, that and partly because strangely once I start writing I only want to write more. But, pretty much all I can think about as i type this is how great it would be if this many more words were going into my novel. I'm going to be an expert typist after this. Maybe I'll get a job as a secretary :) It's funny because before I started writing I thought I would be procrastinating a bunch. That is my usual way. But so far I've been very ahead. For like the first time ever in my life. It's a good feeling.

This month, besides being NaNoWriMo, also contains my birthday (I'll be 22), the New Moon premiere, and (of course) Thanksgiving! It's going to be a crazy month! That is all for now, thanks for letting me talk (or write rather) your ear off!

NaNoWriMo words: 9,068

Day to my birthday:11

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